Automate my setup

2022 Aug 03 See all posts

Automate my setup

version hype lazyness

Simple project to install and configure all the things the way I like in my Ubuntu machine.


You can simply clone the repo into your local machine and run the automate-setup file in your terminal


I recommend this way if you don't have go installed already and you fully trust me. (might be risky or maybe not? 🙄)

Or, you can go the manual way:

You'll need to Install Go first
cd automate-setup
go install # (or just go build -o .)

Please note: If you get an error claiming that automate-setup cannot be found or is not defined, you may need to add ~/go/bin to your $PATH (MacOS/Linux), or %HOME%(Windows).


As of now, it asumes your linux username is "daniel". (will add support for dynamic usernames in the near future)

Run it to install and configure everything at once.

Ideal if you have a new laptop or just happends that you just deleted everything by accident (I'm that dumb)


You can install individual pkgs or software by passing parameters.

./automate-setup exa # Will install only the "exa" package.

What will be installed?




Any better software alternative suggestions are very much welcome